[*] QOS.. still confused

Stuart Williams swilliams at cmu.ca
Wed May 4 08:39:31 CDT 2005

>>>>> John Lange writes:
> Subject: [*] QOS.. still confused

> Is it worth while to setup QOS on an internal LAN for the purpose of
> VoIP?

I don't really disagree with Sean, who said yes, but here's my
articulation of the "no" argument.

QoS capable equipment (usually) costs more up front.  QoS adds
complexity and takes extra time to configure.  I would rather spend
that extra money on better switches and their connections.

The example Sean gave where QoS kept VOIP working is pathological.
The QoS didn't fix the network problem, it only kept one type of
traffic on the network working correctly while the problem continued.
You'd still need to fix the network, and in many cases network traffic
other than voice is more important than voice anyway.  QoS would not
help against a virus that spoofs VOIP traffic (MAC would help, but a
virus could spoof MAC, too).

In short, if your local network is having trouble with voice, it needs
a bigger fix than QoS.

Clearly WAN is different.


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