[*] Asterisk, PHP, AGI, XML and WTF

Justin Davidow justin at xens.net
Fri Jan 25 17:26:05 CST 2013

Here's an alpha implementation:

Drop this in your agi-bin (likely at /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin )


and put this in your dialplan (likely extensions.conf,  or
exensions_additional.conf under "from-internal-custom") somewhere:

(you MAY want to put this in a [section],  and include=> section in your
existing contexts)

exten => 6543,1,Answer

exten => 6543,n,AGI(lotto.php)

exten => 6543,n,Noop(${ScriptResult})

exten => 6543,n,Hangup

When asterisk receives a call to that extension,  it will run the script,
 which gets the XML results (only reads the first one), and sends
"playnumber(number)"  to asterisk.

(unfortunately,  asterisk treats numbers over 10 funny,  and you'll want to
come up with something..  the number 35 is spoken "thirty, [pause] five"
 which LOGICALLY works,  as the numbers should ALWAYS be in ascending

you could do something like,  take input from the user to select the date,
 maybe even have it LIST the dates from the XML.  whatever you like!

On 25 January 2013 16:07, Hernan Popper <hernanp at key.com.ar> wrote:

> Dear gurues
> I'm trying to do a proof of concept, and I could use some help.
> I would like an Asterisk to be able to speak the lottery results. In a
> nutshell, there is an xml feed (
> http://www.wclc.com/scraped/main/winning_numbers.xml) <http://www.wclc.com/scraped/main/winning_numbers.xml)>with the winning numbers, and I want an asterisk to read out loud those
> numbers using Allison's voice. Sounds simple.
> I've been looking at some php examples I got from PIAF (nv-news,
> nv-stocks, etc), but I'm not a programmer nor expert in AGI, PHP or any
> other of those amazing technologies.
> Any advise/clue/ideas?
> Hernan
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 - Justin Davidow
Unit #9 - 860 Westminster Ave
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Work# 204.272.2942
Home# 204.480.3896
MSNID: phyrexian at shaw.ca
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