[RndTbl] Royal Bank invests 50 million in the SCO Group

John Lange john.lange at bighostbox.com
Mon Dec 1 13:56:28 CST 2003

The following story indicates that the Royal Bank has just invested US
$50 million in the SCO Group.


As I simply can not stomach the thought of in any way helping SCO I am
forced to move all of my business and personal accounts including RRSPs
to another institution.

Aside from the political issue I don't think it says much for whomever
is making the investment decisions over at RBC. SCO has no future so
they just threw away 50 million dollars.

On a related note, the same story indicates that CIBC pulled out of all
of its SCO shares in June.

John Lange
BigHostBox.com ltd
(204) 885 0872
Toll free: 1-866-690-8297

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