[RndTbl] [SkullSpace-Discuss] Re: [MBIX-Members] MBIX AGM May 4th, 2016

Adam Thompson athompso at athompso.net
Fri Apr 15 08:40:05 CDT 2016

For the average end user using their ISPs nameserver, it's... well, 
out-of-scope.  But MBIX isn't for individuals, it's for ISPs and 
enterprises who want substantially-enhanced connectivity.
If you run your own recursing resolver, however, whether because you 
don't trust your ISPs, or you are an ISP yourself, there's a direct 
correlation between how quickly you can get an answer from a root NS and 
how quickly you can get the answer back to the end-user.
Without MBIX, the closest root nameserver most Manitobans have access to 
is typically 20-30msec away from their ISP.  Ditto for .CA nameservers.  
(The PCH and CIRA D-root servers also host a bunch of gTLDs, IIRC, don't 
know which.)
So while caching helps a lot, that cached data does expire frequently.
Consider how many HTTP requests are involved in loading, say, the 
Facebook homepage.  Consider how many of those go to different domains.  
Now shave ~10msec off (potentially) every single one of those DNS queries.
By the time you multiply it out over a day's work... times an entire 
ISP's worth of customers...
Better DNS is kind of like having better plumbing in your building. 
No-one thinks about it: as long as the bathroom *functions* everyone can 
get their jobs done.  But having better-working sinks, toilets, etc. 
adds up to just a tiny bit smoother experience, and those seconds saved 
do add up over time.

Plus, it also means you can still browse the 'net when the root 
nameservers are being DDOS'd again :-)


On 2016-04-14 22:38, John Lange wrote:
> Why would a root name server be significantly different than a normal 
> DNS server? The IPs would be cached most of the time.
> I believe MTS has google and netflix caches but I don't know this for 
> a fact.
> John
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