[RndTbl] [Board] muug.ca hostname?

Theodore Baschak theodore at ciscodude.net
Sun Apr 17 01:25:23 CDT 2016

> On Apr 16, 2016, at 5:12 PM, Trevor Cordes <trevor at tecnopolis.ca> wrote:
>> On April 16, 2016 12:50:43 AM CDT, Trevor Cordes
>> <trevor at tecnopolis.ca> wrote:
>>> on muug.ca (new server):
>>> #hostname
>>> muug
>>> This valid?  Done for a reason?  Should it be muug.ca?
> On 2016-04-16 Adam Thompson wrote:
>> Hostname is - and always has - been specified as the bare name, not
>> the FQDN.
> Hmm, that's opposite to what I've understood for 25 years, and what
> I've done on every machine I've ever been responsible for (all of
> which that have "worked").

"hostname -f" should lookup and output your full FQDN hostname as compared to "hostname" just outputting the bare name thats set in Linux.

I've got systems set both ways; short, and long FQDN hostname, and both work fine and can boot up disconnected in regular amounts of time. 

Theodore Baschak - AS395089 - Hextet Systems
https://ciscodude.net/ - https://hextet.systems/
https://theodorebaschak.com/ - http://mbix.ca/

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