[RndTbl] Reply: Viruses in PDF’s

Ihor Jakowec ijakowec at icloud.com
Mon Jul 3 12:36:16 CDT 2023

Here is a link to an article about viruses in PDF files, it is from Adobe®.  

Minimizing risk is important.   Even clicking on a link such as the one above is risky. 
(Some of the letters could be in Cyrillic.  So I take the extra effort to type out the link.  I find unusually long links suspicious.  Also, you can use a trusted search engine to find out if you can reach the same web page.)   To any developers out there:  PDF file readers should have malware detection software built in that warns a user about potential malware.  Such as PDF’s built by latex that have write18 enabled.   

my regards,
Ihor Jakowec
Sent from my iPad
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